Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Another day, another birthday, another year.   Wowzers.  Time sure goes by fast.  Always thought it was suppose to be slower in the sunset years.  Wrong.  It seems the world just keeps getting faster.

I am thankful to still be here.  Now, on my 67th birthday.  How did that happen?  67 sounds so much older than 66.  

Woke up this morning and decided to do things that started with the letter C.

Cinderella lunch at Chipolte's.....crash at the local pool.....chew on a big old steak.  Did them all but had a great surprise.  The Daughter and her little girl surprised me and we spent the day together.  She bought my lunch.  Plus a cute gift.  We had a good time.  Thank you, Angela.  You are the best! 

The Hubbie gave me a sweet card with cash.  More C's.

It was a very good day!   Happy Birthday to Me! 


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